The Brilliance CT scanner by Philips has a 6 slice configuration that will meet the imaging needs of your clinic. When you buy the Brilliance CT scanner, you will receive fast acquisition and high-quality images. This scanner is designed with a scalable platform that will allow you growth and for future clinical applications. You can consider purchasing the Brilliance 6 CT as a secure and long term investment.
When you purchase the Brilliance 6 scanner you are going to be enable your clinic into Brilliance multislice imaging. You are going to have access to enhanced diagnosis of small lesions with submillimeter slices. This scanner has a CT user environment that was especially designed for multi-slice CT.
Philips Brilliance 6 CT Scanner Features:
- 6 images per second reconstruction
- Brilliance Workspace
- Comprehensive support
- Provides advanced image performance
- Quality routine clinical imaging
For additional information on the Philips Brilliance 6 CT Scanner, please contact CT Medical Scanners. We can provide high quality CT Scanner equipment at affordable prices for your medical clinic.